Augmented Reality Experience for Attraction

Made with Joshua Kery, this an AR app experience for two people. When the two people with half hearts get closer together, the heart will magnetize into a whole heart. We made matching shirts for the app to further emphasize compatibility.

As people become closer in proximity, the closer they become and the stronger connection they form. Our experience could be taken anywhere, as long as two people are close enough in distance. Our two halves of the heart are programmed to come together like a magnet to mirror the attraction between two people who are touching.

Upon further iterations, we see it as a AR experience that could encourage people to form fun connections through Snapchat with different locations and different people in public. Hopefully with this interaction, this will encourage more people to come together and get to know each other. This concept of people touching each other also sprouted another project, Arduino Gloves for Attraction where the two gloves will only light up when two people hold hands.

Role: Game Designer, Art

Tool: Unity3D, C#

Collaborator: Joshua Kery (Programming and Art)

Duration: 1 week



We created two specific hearts on two shirts (black and white) for people to wear and directly interact with each other. Therefore, the two people must get close to each other and touch for them to experience the app of the heart coming together.

Then on Unity, the app is programmed that a certain distance, the two halves of the heart will shake and eventually ease together like a magnet once the two people actually touch.

I think it would also be fun and humorous if it was a game where everyone would wear these shirts in a arena, and you would have the app loaded on the phone to see which random person would be matched with whom. That way, it is kind of a funny matchmaking app.





Final Screen Recording of AR App Half of a Heart