Arduino Interactive Touch LED Gloves

These are gloves that only would light up and active if two people would hold hands. Although the construction and colors of the gloves were not ideal (due to time constraints), I wanted to create plain gloves that would surprisingly light up and cause delight. In this project, I wanted to explore the idea of serendipitous connection, as the role of technology in sparking a connection between two people.

Role: (Solo Project) Art, Programming

Tools: Arduino, Textiles, Fabrication

Time Frame: 1 week



I was able to create wearable gloves that were touch sensitive on the palm area with conductive fabric so that the LED lights in the front would light up. The arduino is hidden inside the glove itself, with a velcro stretchy black fabric covering the wires, arduino mini, and the battery. 

To make it touch sensitive, I had conductive fabric on the palm of the glove, and sewed with conductive thread to bridge the wires and the glove. I hid everything inside the black stretchy fabric.

Gloves Diagram.jpg


