I am always Creating

Currently, I am working to be a designer. However, I still am able to use art-thinking in my design practice. Even though both Art and Design can be very different - with Design being a more scientific, logic-driven process; and Art being of a means to express feelings and discover truth, I believe they are interconnected.

Specifically, I see Art as a way to ask questions about the world, and Design as a way to solve the great problems that the world are facing. By combining both thinking processes, and by using technology as the bridge to instigate the changes, I believe both artists and designers have alot of power to shape the world.

Animation Loops

The Apocalypse / 2020

During COVID-19 and the quarantine, I was faced with alot of time and was thinking about the end of the world. This is my sci-fi fantastical interpretation of the end of the world; with me as prophetical three sisters.

Tools: Acrylic Painting, After Effects, Photoshop


Self Portrait / 2019

I transformed my 2016 self portrait I painted in watercolor into a fantastical floral scene teeming with dragonflies and bouncing flowers.

Tools: Watercolor Painting, Photoshop, After Effects


Lake Tahoe Diary / 2021

During quarantine, I stayed in Lake Tahoe during the winter and was inspired to paint the beautiful snowy scenes in watercolor. The frozen lake was empty at the time, so I imagined an ice skater inhabiting the lake.

Tools: Watercolor Painting, Photoshop, After Effects, Animation Desk


Rotoscoping Practice / 2021

This is a little experiment with rotoscoping with music. I animated this on top of Alvvays the band.

Tools: Animation Desk

Stop Motion / Experimental

The Beauty Influencer / 2019 - 2020

Unexpected horror happen in the house of a beauty influencer.

Tools: Found objects, paper mache, After Effects, Premiere, photography

Music by Lucas Sherman


A Better Mouse Trap! / 2018

This is a little satirical piece about Stuart Little all grown up.

Tools: Paper Mache, Found objects, Cardboard, Premiere, After Effects

Music by Frankie Goes To Hollywood


Dragonfly / 2018

Dragonfly is a hand-painted watercolor animation.

Tools: Watercolor, Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere

Music by Tyler Stoner

Music Videos

Responding to the Pandemic - Never Ever Ever Again / 2020

Never Ever Ever Again is a stop-motion animation of the fallen leaves, memories, and daily rituals that are subtly changing because of the pandemic. In my work, I hope to highlight the distance and missed connections that happen in isolation. By reanimating the streets of San Francisco, which may not yet be desolate, I am also envisioning a world full of activity after this passes.

Tools: Handpainted Leaves, Onion Skin App on the iPhone, Premiere

Music by Siskiyou


Pandemic Disco Fantasy / 2021

I collaborated with the band, Warp Trio, a funky jazz classical band based in New York City during the pandemic to create a music video and album cover for their 6 track song, Pandemic Disco Fantasy. The song and visuals were inspired by the craziness that happened in the past year, and the fantasies of what we would be doing.

Tools: Animation Desk, Photoshop, Premiere, After Effects

Music by Warp Trio

Creative Coding

I love playing with emerging technologies

Besides designing, I love creative coding. I’m always amazed by the magic that happens when we combine art & tech in installations, in movies, and in products. I’m interested in telling stories and putting emotion into code - highlighting the unique relationship between humans and computers. In college, I partnered with developers as an artist in the Game Creation Society where I made indie games.


Drawing Translation Machine / 2018

This machine started as an experiment for me to see how accurately machines can translate human movement, specifically the nuances of handwriting. Inspired by asemic writing, I wanted to see if robots can have their own type of language guided by human writing.

Tools: Arduino, Laser Cutting, Fabrication, Robotics


Coca Cola Augmented Reality / 2019

Scan the logo of Coca Cola to find hidden information before drinking it.

How it Works: Images are hidden at first in a collage that makes up the logo through optical illusion. Then, as you step further back you see a more complete picture of Coca-Cola as different scenes appear.

Tools: Unity, Vuforia, Photoshop.

Made in collaboration with Sudha Raghaven


Gloves for Attraction / 2018

I made gloves that only would light up when two people hold hands. I wanted to explore the idea of serendipitous connection, as the role of technology in sparking a connection between two people.

Tools: Arduino, Textiles, Fabrication


Augmented Reality Album (Screen-recording Through Unity) / 2018

I created an immersive photo album. I wanted to explore ways of capturing and remembering your memories through sound and movement. The photo album is a way of looking back at the happy moments that you would want to cling to, in case you forget.

Tools: Unity, Vuforia, Reaper, Photoshop



Jewelry made out of Milk Jugs / 2015

I took the leftover milk jugs and transformed them into jewelry. These pieces are entirely made up of folds, cuts, and origami techniques, as I challenged myself to make something with no added elements (like glue) to keep the materials pure.

Tools: Milk Jugs


Breakup Dolls / 2016

Ending a relationship can be hard; especially when you want to be sincere and kind, but it’s hard to communicate that. These dolls are fun, soft, and huggable - everything you need to get over a breakup. It's an ironic gift that not only provides comfort and sincerity in its form but also communicates the serious desire to end it.

Tools: Fabric, Sewing


Memory Frames

This sculpture is made up entirely of old picture frames that I put together as I felt homesick during college. The images represent my fondest memories, personal letters, and aphorisms that I compiled at 22.

Tools: Found Frames, Lasercut cardstock, photos


Selected Paintings


Selected Drawings