My Role
UX design (Interaction design, wireframing, prototyping, user testing), logo & animation
2 UX designers, 1 UX researcher, 1 Project Manager, Engineering Team
Internal Client (ZS)
4 Months (Design)
To date, virtual meetings have been unable to replicate the valuable moments at live events, when everyone steps into the hallway for drinks and unexpected conversations occur. Teams working from home aren't connecting effectively with one another because of tedious online tools, scheduling fatigue, and the lack of serendipitous conversations in business and personal settings.
Hunt Statement
How might we design a solution that connects colleagues during and post-COVID serendipitously?
Impact and Outcome
Our app is currently live on the app store for android and iOS. Our company is using it as a pilot, and as of now, we are still polishing the design.
Solution Overview
Squinch is a mobile app (MVP stage) that connects colleagues during and post-COVID serendipitously through randomized connections and scheduled events. Open the app when you have a free moment and once it is on, make a call or drop your phone in your pocket and wait for someone to call you
Design Process
Domain Research
Different from a UX case study, we aimed to bring this project into production. We wanted to explore the space of virtual meetings to see if there was an opportunity to better connect with colleagues now that everyone was working from home.
Through our research, we found that “Proximity and serendipitous encounters have long been associated with increased collaboration and innovation” Wall Street Journal. Given that, how can we develop something that simulates the serendipitous interactions like meeting at a water cooler, to foster relationships?
Competitive Analysis
Because we wanted to launch this into the world, understanding the market is the priority. We conducted a competitive analysis on the existing products to see what are the potential gaps and what inspiration we can take in the existing landscape.
From our analysis, we found that a lot of companies have begun to add WFH enhancement features to their existing products. However, many of them cause scheduling fatigue, and don’t allow people the ability to meet others randomly and closely, which is the magic of working in person. This is the premise we are rooting our MVP on - An app designed to create the serendipitous connections around the office that we miss while working from home.
User Interviews
To learn more about the goals, pain points, and opportunities of the users we are targeting, we conducted 10 business colleagues interviews (5 internal, 5 externals).
Our research objectives were to:
Assess the utility of the concept and understand whether it is offering functionality that colleagues need
Understand what features and functionality could make the design more useful/valuable
Understand what barriers might prevent a colleague from adopting the design
Understand how the experience could be improved to increase adoption
Interview takeaways
After the interviews, I created a comprehensive persona that became essential guidance for our later platform structure.
The main takeaways are:
Online tools to help others stay connected are causing fatigue during COVID
People find the functionality of Squinch very similar to other apps. How do we differentiate to help fill in the product-market gap?
People want to feel connected with others but feel like the opportunities to are limited, they’re strictly business, and the conversations feel forced
Design Style Exploration
We started off by branching from ZS’s design and collecting images for the mood board to ensure our designs communicated “professional and social.”
Developing the concept
After synthesizing our research, we narrowed it down to the business problem which was tackling the challenge of connecting with others in a COVID & post-COVID world serendipitously. This acted as a guide for our mobile app concept.
After some exploration, we came up with Squinch, an app that digitizes the metaphor of the watercooler as a place to meet to converse with colleagues in a serendipitous way. The way our design mirrors the “watercooler” is that in the homepage you can click on any of the groups and in them, you can swipe through random connections and call them, similar to you meeting a random colleague at the watercooler.
I then started to sketch and define the user flows based on the user requirements. For our MVP and end goal, we want to test out the main functionality of calling a random connection, which I designed and rendered out of the wireframes. I also designed the onboarding screens, which were shown to the users to ensure that they understood how to use the app before diving into the main function of calling someone serendipitously from selecting a group.
User testing takeaways
Users: 5 (Business) & 5 (Friends) personas
Tasks: Users were asked to initiate a call from the homepage, to add others to the app, and attend and join a scheduled event
Takeaway 1: How do we simplify the homepage?
Users felt that the homepage was visually cluttered and the scalability of the groups was an issue. How can we make the app a more attractive app that will pull people to use it?
Takeaways from user testing:
Reduce noisiness of the page
Take out circle design in favor of a more scalable design
How do we keep users entertained?
Our app was functional, however, it didn’t really draw the users to keep them coming back. To make the app more “fun” we analyzed how gamification and FOMO were involved in designing a more “active app.” We also found that there were missing features like video calling and group calling which keeps the user engaged
Takeaways from user testing:
Find ways to increase FOMO
Brainstorm features that will keep the user engaged
Fine-tune micro-interactions to make the app more fun
How I dealt with Developer Pushback
How did I compromise with the developer?
In this particular case, I was designing the events detail page, and the template I created was going to take the developers a long time to implement. They said the design needs to be the same format as the “call” template, which doesn’t make sense as events and calls are not related.
After taking a deeper look at the design they suggested, I realized that it could be improved with CSS changes, and even though the flow might be jarring, it won’t impact the UX that much.
Final Design
Meet your connections at the virtual watercooler
Easily call, poke, or add connections from your group randomly. By “shuffling the cards” find a person you want to talk/listen to and connect in a fun way.
If you ever need help, you can go back to the onboarding screens at any time to guide you on using the app with visuals and concise instruction.
Poke your connections to get them to the watercooler
Quickly sort and filter the connections you want to see, and poke them to get them to the watercooler so you can call them.
Create and join a virtual event to enable great networking
Easily join and create a virtual event where you can join or listen to a group conversation based on a particular topic.
Handing it off to the Developer
After the designs were handed off to the developer, I QC’s all their work before it launched in the app store. I did this by screenshotting their build and annotating them with specific instructions on how to improve their UX/UI.
I also gave them design guidelines that will help them in implementation.
Design System
Design to keep the user coming back for more
When we designed the app, we were focusing a lot on user experience and refining the MVP, however, throughout the process, we de-prioritized the business goals. Next time, I would like to explore more with the playability, social factors, and other features that we can include in the MVP to keep the app fun so the users will come back for more. Given that the app is to go into production, tracking critical success factors like the number of downloads is highly important.
It’s highly important to collaborate with engineering and product to solve UX problems
It is important to balance the UX goals with engineering and product. Sometimes I would present designs that would take too much time to do; however, it would solve the UX issues in a very elegant way. I learned that the key is to let the PM and engineering team brainstorm with the designer to come up with an alternate solution, that solves the UX problem and balances the business goals without too much rework.
At ZS, not only did I work on app designs, I also created multiple icons, logos, and branding for different clients. I designed the Squinch logo and also crafted these icons above for ZS UX. To view more of my visual design work please email me at sophiaqin123@gmail.com